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Professionally trained
& verified walkers
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Regular walk reports
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Reliable Service
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App based GPS
tracking system
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 About Us

In this digital age, we were surprised by the lack of options for quality services on online platforms for our pets; and decided to take matters in our own hands. Animal lovers by nature, supporting pet parents to bring up healthy pets is our topmost priority. We commit to giving the highest level of service and support to our customers and their furbabies, and hold their needs above all else.

Being pet parents ourselves, we understand the level of trust it takes to leave your dog with someone – even for a minute. We ensure all our walkers are trained and certified by leading trainers from one of the best training schools in the region, and go through an extensive background check. What’s more – to ensure complete transparency, we invite you to join your furbabies virtually, by GPS tracking their walks on the app and review their past reports to stay abreast of their exercise regime – all from the comfort of your home / work location.

The Wagkart team truly lives by its vision. To support this endeavor, a part of your subscription fee is pledged to providing food to homeless, stray animals who need all the support they can get – to survive.

We invite you to the Wagkart family, and experience premium services for your furbabies!

Feel free to write to us at, to know more.

Our Philosophy

Healthy pets, Happy pawrents !

Our Vision

A world with healthy and happy animals

Our Mission

To create a better life for animals; and build a community that supports pets, pet parents, and homeless animals

Our Promise

Providing quality services by trained and verified professionals for our community of pet parents

Contact Us

Get In Touch

We would love to hear from you! Please reach out to us with your questions, comments, feedback, or simply to say hi!

Call Us

+91 9821006770

Email Address