WagkartPet Services[OPC] Private Limitedis a company incorporated under the laws of India, having its registered office at, 214, Second Floor, AltF Office Spaces Sector 142, Noida 201305, India[Hereinafter referred to as “We” or “Us” or “Company” or “WAGKART PET SERVICES”].

In accordance with all applicable laws, we have created this Privacy Policy [Hereinafter referred to as “Privacy Policy” or “Policy” or “Privacy Statement”] in order to demonstrate our privacy commitment to any individual whose data we collect, store or process for providing or offering our services on our website[www.wagkart.com]. .


We are an organisation based and existing in India and are thus bound by the laws of the Republic of India. This Privacy Policy has been prepared in accordance with applicable Indian laws, including the Indian Information Technology Act, 2000.


This Policy applies to all our visitors to our website, and other individuals who provide their personal information to WAGKART PET SERVICES. All such users, visitors and other individuals are hereinafter referred to as “Data Subject”.


This Privacy Policy, as mentioned above, is intended to inform the Data Subject on how we gather, define, and use Personal Data or Information that Data Subject provides to WAGKART PET SERVICES when using our website, mobile application,and social media platforms or when relying on our services.

This Privacy Policy also covers our treatment of any Personal Data or Information that third parties share with WAGKART PET SERVICES.

This Privacy Policy will primarily help a Data Subject understand:

  • The nature of information we collect about a Data Subject directly or through third parties;
  • The sources from where a Data Subject’s information is collected;
  • The manner in which a Data Subject’s information is collected;
  • The purpose of collecting a Data Subject’s information;
  • The manner in which a Data Subject’s information is stored, used and processed by WAGKART PET SERVICES;
  • The rights a Data Subject has under applicable laws regarding such information collected by WAGKART PET SERVICES;
  • The process to contact WAGKART PET SERVICES for any issues regarding the collection or use of a Data Subject’s.


A Data Subject’s Information collected by WAGKART PET SERVICES primarily consists of: Personal Information and Sensitive Personal Information [Collectively referred to as “Information” or “Data Subject Information”].

A. Personal Information

When a Data Subject creates an account on the WAGKART PET SERVICES or visits the WAGKART PET SERVICES website or mobile application or enters their information on any internet form owned by WAGKART PET SERVICES, we may directly ask the Data Subject to provide certain Personal Information, including their contact information, such as:

  • First name and last name
  • Personal email id
  • Address
  • Mobile number
  • Other information required to offer the best possible services.
  • Social media account ID or user ID, profile photo and other data the Data Subject makes available publicly or to WAGKART PET SERVICES from his/her social media accounts, publicly available platforms or other source.

WAGKART PET SERVICES shall be collecting the location data of individuals [service providers] hired under a contract for service by us. The location data for such class of individuals shall be shared with WAGKART PET SERVICES for the entirety of their respective shifts. 

Personal information, means any information about a Data Subject from which that person can be identified. It does not include data where the identity has been removed [anonymous data] such as cookies, web beacons and other browsing information.

Browsing Information is information collected through cookies and web beacons to track what features or web-pages you have viewed on our website or mobile application, and other information about your browser and browsing behaviour. We use browsing information to improve the design and content of our website and mobile application, to suggest content and products that we think may be relevant to you, and to help us learn things like what pages are most attractive to our visitors, and what promotions visitors like to see, and to gauge the success of our advertising campaigns.

Because cookies and web beacons are the technology generally driving collection of browsing information, you can also block cookies to control data collection related to interest-based advertising. You can typically do so through your browser. For instructions, check your browser’s technical information. Preventing your browser from accepting cookies prevents the collection of your browsing information for purposes of delivering interest-based ads. However, it may also disable or interfere with other features on our website or mobile application. For example, cookies allow us to remember your preferences when you logout of your account and then login again. Cookies also allow us to recognize you as an account holder when you return to our website or mobile application. Most browsers accept cookies automatically.

B. Sensitive Personal Information

Certain categories of personal information, such as financial record, health or biometric information, sexual orientation, etc. are considered to be Sensitive Personal Information. Data Subject may choose to share his or her Sensitive Personal Information with WAGKART PET SERVICES directly in certain circumstances.

WAGKART PET SERVICES collects and processes Sensitive Personal Information only when it is essential to offer its services to the Data Subject.

By providing his or her Sensitive Personal Information, the Data Subject agrees that we may collect, use and share this information with third parties for the purpose of processing Data Subject’s service request[s].

It is hereby clarified that Sensitive Personal Information shall constitute Sensitive Personal Data or Information under the Indian Information Technology Act, 2000.


We collect Information about Data Subject through the following means:

  • Whenever a Data Subject uses our services [whether services provided directly by WAGKART PET SERVICES or by other companies or acting on our behalf – for example through an ad agency];
  • When Data Subject downloads our mobile application and/or creates an account on the mobile application;
  • When Data Subject visits our website;
  • When Data Subject interacts with our staff;
  • When Data Subject interacts with WAGKART PET SERVICES via email or social media platforms.


We use Data Subject Information to conduct our business and to provide Data Subject with the best possible services and user experience. We will only use Data Subject Information based on this Privacy Policy, our contract with the Data Subject, and when the law allows WAGKART PET SERVICES to.

WAGKART PET SERVICES will collect adequate, relevant and necessary Data Subject Information and will process such information fairly and lawfully for the purpose it is collected. Most commonly, WAGKART PET SERVICES will use Data Subject Information in the following circumstances:

  • Where we need to perform the contract we have entered into with the Data Subject;
  • Where we need to comply with a legal obligation;
  • Where it is necessary for our legitimate interests [or those of a third party] and the Data Subject’s interests and fundamental rights do not override those interests;
  • To enable the Data Subject’s use of our services;
  • To send statements, invoices and payment reminders to the Data Subject, and to collect payments from the Data Subject;
  • To send non-marketing commercial communications to the Data Subject;
  • To send the Data Subject email notifications that the Data Subject has specifically requested for;
  • To send Data Subject marketing communications relating to our business or the businesses of carefully-selected third parties which we think may be of interest to the Data Subject, where Data Subject has specifically agreed to this, by email or similar technology. However, the Data Subject can inform WAGKART PET SERVICES at any time if the Data Subject no longer requires such marketing communications;
  • To deal with enquiries and complaints made by or about the Data Subject relating to services provided;
  • To improve and customise our services in accordance with the Data Subject’s preferences;
  • To keep our website, mobile application and other systems secure and to prevent fraud;
  • Where the Data Subject has given WAGKART PET SERVICES explicit consent to do so.

We may also use Data SubjectInformation in the following situations, which are likely to be rare:

  • Where we need to protect the Data Subject’s interests [or someone else’s interests]
  • Where it is needed in the public interest or for official purposes or to fulfil a legal obligation. For instance, requests made by law enforcement agencies, courts or tribunals.


If a Data Subject fails to provide certain Information when requested, we may not be able to perform the contract we have entered into with the Data Subject, or we may be prevented from complying with our legal obligations.

The Data Subject hereby accepts and agrees that we shall not be held liable in any manner whatsoever if we are unable to perform our services or if there is a deficiency in our services to the Data Subject due to Data Subject’s failure to provide such information.

The Data Subject agrees that he/she shall not file or initiate any complaints, legal proceedings or claims against WAGKART PET SERVICES and/or our employees, directors, associates, etc. in this regard. The Data Subject further agrees to indemnify and hold WAGKART PET SERVICES and/or our employees, directors, associates, etc. harmless from any complaints, legal proceedings or claims filed or initiated by any third party against WAGKART PET SERVICES in this regard.


We will only use Data Subject Information for the purposes for which we collected it, unless we reasonably consider that we need to use it for another reason and that reason is compatible with the original purpose.

If we need to use Data Subject Information for an unrelated purpose, we will notify the Data Subject and we will explain the legal basis which allows WAGKART PET SERVICES to do so.

Please note that we may process Data Subject Information without Data Subject’s knowledge or consent, in compliance with the above rules, where this is required or permitted by law.

10.    CONSENT

Data Subject agrees that we do not need any additional or further consent from him/her to use Data Subject Information in accordance with this Policy to carry out our legal obligations or exercise specific rights.


We may disclose Data Subject Information to any of our employees, officers, insurers, professional advisers, agents, suppliers or subcontractors insofar as reasonably necessary for the purposes set out in this Policy and for the purpose of providing services to Data Subject.

We may disclose Data Subject Information to any member of our company, including our subsidiaries and partners, insofar as reasonably necessary for the purposes set out in this Policy.

In addition to this, we may disclose Data Subject Information:

  • to the extent that we are required to do so by law;
  • in connection with any ongoing or prospective legal proceedings;
  • in order to establish, exercise or defend our legal rights including providing information to others for the purposes of fraud prevention and reducing credit risk;
  • to the purchaser or prospective purchaser of any business or asset that we are or are contemplating selling; and
  • to any person who we reasonably believe may apply to a court or other competent authority for disclosure of that information where, in our reasonable opinion, such court or authority would be reasonably likely to order disclosure of that information.

Except as provided in this Policy, we will not provide Data Subject Information to any other third party.


Unless stated otherwise, we store and process Data Subject Information in India. There may, however, be occasions when we need to transfer Data Subject Information outside India in order to enable WAGKART PET SERVICES to use the information in accordance with this Policy.

Such transfer of information may be to a country which does or does not provide the same level of data protection as in India. In these circumstances we will take appropriate steps to ensure that Data Subject Information is adequately protected.

Typically, such steps include carrying out data security reviews of any recipients and putting in place contracts with such recipients to ensure they employ the same or similar appropriate technical and organisational measures as WAGKART PET SERVICES, so that Data Subject Information is adequately protected.

Data Subject expressly agrees to the transfer of his/her information described in this Section.


We are committed to protecting Data Subject Information and thus implement appropriate technical and organisational security measures to protect it against any unauthorised or unlawful processing and against any accidental loss, destruction, or damage.

Appropriate physical, electronic, and managerial procedures have been put in place to safeguard and help prevent unauthorized access, maintain data security, and correctly use the information collected from Data Subject.

Data Subject Information is processed by WAGKART PET SERVICES in strict accordance with the Indian Information Technology Act, 2000, and the rules notified there under.We implement and maintain ‘Reasonable Security Practices and Procedures’ as stated in the Indian Information Technology Act, 2000 and the Information Technology [Reasonable Security Practices and Procedures and Sensitive Personal Data or Information] Rules, 2011, while processing, collecting, or handling any Sensitive Personal Information collected from Data Subject.


We will only retain Data Subject Information for as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes we collected it for, including for the purposes of satisfying any legal, accounting, or reporting requirements.

In some circumstances we may anonymize Data Subject Information so that it can no longer be associated with the Data Subject, in which case we may use such information without a further statement to Data Subject.


Details about the primary entity which handles and retains Data Subject Information is provided below:

Wagkart Pet Services [OPC] Private Limited

Registered office at:

02221, ATS Pristine

Sector 150, Noida,

Gautam Buddha Nagar, Uttar Pradesh-201310, India


Data Subject may at any time ask WAGKART PET SERVICES to delete Data Subject Information.  We will consider and where necessary comply with Data Subject’s request in accordance with applicable law, as explained above. Please note that after deleting the information, we may not be able to provide our services to the Data Subject.

We may, however, need to retain certain Data Subject Information for record keeping purposes and/or to complete any transactions that the Data Subject began prior to requesting deletion of the information. For instance, when a Data Subject participates in a promotion, he/she may not be able to change or delete the Personal Information provided to WAGKART PET SERVICES until after the completion of such promotion.

There may also be residual information that will remain within our databases and other records, which will not be removed. In addition to this, there may be certain Data Subject Information which we maybe unable to delete due to legitimate and legal reasons.

Data Subject hereby accepts and agrees that we shall not be held liable in any manner whatsoever if we are unable to perform our services or if there is a deficiency in our services to Data Subject due to Data Subject’s withdrawal of consent.

Data Subject agrees that he/she shall not file or initiate any complaints, legal proceedings or claims against WAGKART PET SERVICES and/or our employees, directors, associates, etc. in this regard. Data Subject further agrees to indemnify and hold WAGKART PET SERVICES and/or our employees, directors, associates, etc. harmless from any complaints, legal proceedings or claims filed or initiated by any third party against WAGKART PET SERVICES in this regard.


Data Subject may at any time revoke or withdraw Data Subject’s consent to provide Data Subject Information to WAGKART PET SERVICES by using the applicable contact details set out at the end of this Policy. However, such action may render it impossible for WAGKART PET SERVICES to offer its services to the Data Subject any further.

Data Subject hereby accepts and agrees that we shall not be held liable in any manner whatsoever if we are unable to perform our services or if there is a deficiency in our services to Data Subject due to Data Subject’s withdrawal of consent.

Data Subject agrees that he/she shall not file or initiate any complaints, legal proceedings or claims against WAGKART PET SERVICES and/or our employees, directors, associates, etc. in this regard. Data Subject further agrees to indemnify and hold WAGKART PET SERVICES and/or our employees, directors, associates, etc. harmless from any complaints, legal proceedings or claims filed or initiated by any third party against WAGKART PET SERVICES in this regard.


Data Subject can contact WAGKART PET SERVICES at any time requesting access to Data Subject Information for reviewing or requesting amendment to certain information that Data Subject considers to be incorrect or wrong. WAGKART PET SERVICES shall process such requests from Data Subject in accordance with applicable law.


  • The Policy is subject to modification from time to time. If we decide to change our Policy, we will post those changes here so that the Data Subject will always know what information we gather, how we might use that information and whether we will disclose it to anyone.
  • We may also notify Data Subject in other ways from time to time about the processing of Data Subject Information.


In accordance with the Indian Information Technology Act 2000 and the rules notified thereunder, the contact details of the Grievance Officer are provided below:

   Nikhita Mishra

   2221, ATS Pristine, Sector 150, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India


This Policy was last updated on [September 15, 2021].